How to make notes using a graphic organizer
Note-making with a graphic organizer - part 1
[Scroll down for video 2 with advice on cross-language note-making. ]
Note-making with a graphic organizer - part 2
Click the button below to read a summary of the advice given in the second video above about cross-language note-making.
Cross-language note-making
Here is an example of making cross language notes. Let's imagine you have found this text in German about the need to be physically active (pa):
Neue Abstimmungen zeigen, dass vier aus fünf Leuten nicht genug kräftige physische Übung machen, um gesund zu bleiben, und einer in vier von uns übt nicht überhaupt. Gesundheitsfachleute sagen, dass die Lage so schlecht wird, könnten wir Jahre unseres Lebens durch Mörderkrankheiten wie zum Beispiel Krebs, Herzkrankheit und Diabetes verlieren. Das Problem ist, dass der menschliche Körper intensive physische Tätigkeit braucht, die Hormone auszulösen, die notwendig sind, zu reparieren, wiederaufzubauen und jede Zelle in unseren Körpern zu erneuern.
Your notes would be in English. For example:
- research: 4/5 people - not enough pa (physical activity)
- effects: fatal illness e.g. cancer, diabetes
- pa (physical activity) makes hormones → repair body cells
Your written text from this in the Healthy Living writing page would be:
Research shows that 4 out 5 people do not get enough physical activity. The long-term effects of lack of physical activity are fatal illnesses, such as cancer and diabetes. Regular physical activity makes hormones that repair every cell in the human body.
Conversely, if you find information in English, then you write your notes in your own language. The reason for this cross-language note-making is to ensure that your written text is made up of sentences you have constructed yourself, not copied from someone else's writing. In this way, not only will you practise your writing, but you will avoid all possibility of plagiarism*.
*Important: You still have to put the sources of your information in the Works Cited section of your writing.