
M14. How reliable are the answers chatGPT gives and its solutions to the tasks it is asked to perform?

Question: How reliable are the answers chatGPT gives and its solutions to the tasks it is asked to perform?

Answer: As an AI language model, ChatGPT strives to provide accurate and helpful answers to the best of its knowledge and ability. However, it is important to note that ChatGPT's responses and solutions are generated based on its programming and training data, which have limitations and biases.

While ChatGPT has been trained on a large corpus of text data and is continually updated with new information, it may not have access to the most recent or specialized knowledge in certain domains. Therefore, its answers may not always be accurate or comprehensive, and it may not be able to provide a perfect solution to every task it is asked to perform.

Additionally, ChatGPT may occasionally generate responses that are inappropriate, offensive, or harmful due to the inherent biases and limitations in the data it has been trained on. As an AI model, ChatGPT is not capable of independent thinking or judgment, and its responses are generated based on the patterns it has learned from the data.

Overall, while ChatGPT strives to provide reliable answers and solutions, it is important to use its responses as a starting point and verify the information with additional sources if needed.

I have engaged ChatGPT in about 150 threads so far, but have had responses that are politely (and sometimes necessarily apologetically) given, I have never encountered anything inappropriate, offensive, or harmful.

General comment
This is a reasonable answer. The key take-away is:

- If you are not sure that ChatGPT is right in any given statement or recommendation...

- Or if it is important that you get factual information and otherwise trustworthy responses...

- Then you should do what chatGPT tells you above and...

"Verify the information with additional sources."